Thursday, October 10, 2013


                  What we think we are in... 

We are actually in our own race

Monday, September 30, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013



i'm moving~ actually just not to flood this place with words.

it was intended to post my scribblings and I think I went kinda off track. haha

anyway, the other blog will be for my randomlings

and thus the name:


Saturday, August 3, 2013


有时在想, 人与人的遇见,好像拼图。


现在,处于一个我觉得我已经累了的地方, 好像两片不吻合的拼图勉强的拼在一起。

人与人, 我也一直在得罪人。 哈哈。 没办法。想什么就说什么。





Sunday, July 21, 2013


for those who have my opendiary add. I have deleted it permanently.

even tho I doubt anyone goes there anymore.

some issue just happened and well.... it had made me weary.

I cleared out my fb list too. need to clear out people who I can't remember, don't know, don't trust.

yea, when the world shrank into a this space called internet. it's not that good anymore.

till then. maybe I would consider shutting this down too.

Friday, July 19, 2013


很多时候, 我需要一双可以聆听我的耳朵时。 往往,都是连一只蚊子也没有。 哎。。。

耳朵都没有,更不要讲肩膀咯。。 》。《

也是每次只有我迁就人, 哈哈, 讲到好像自己很伟大。 哈哈。 可是, 真的好像是这样叻。。

我上辈子应该是杀人放火的囚犯。 这辈子一直在还债。

有什么教训是我还没学到的? 一直重复一样的悲剧。

还好现在是一个人, 要不然还要烦另一个人的事。 我应该感恩了。 哈哈。

也不可能我的存在就是给人利用吧? 悲哀。。。


Monday, July 8, 2013


最近在想为什么没有婴儿的照片。可能因为小时候病到不清不楚,所以没有什么照? 哈哈。
可能酱也可以解释父母对我的包容。 哈哈。 包容我的任性, 固执, 无理取闹, 我喜欢撞墙的个性。 哈哈。

我不会盲目跟随传统, 我也不是饼干模。 没有觉得人生就是读书,找一份高薪水的工,找一个人, 结婚生子, 结束。

就是很爱旅行, 也想看看这个世界, 趁还有精力还能走的时候。 环游世界应该年轻的时候做。老了,走两步就要休息, 那里好玩呢?

存钱当然重要, 我也明白未雨绸缪的意思。 可是也应该适当的放松自己。 如果突然死了, 活的那么节俭, 结果什么也没做到, 不是很浪费吗?

当然我也不建议活的象我,一手进,一手出啦。 (有时还负债, 哈哈)  对一些人来说很没有安全感, 哈哈。 可能我习惯了。 做事的推动力就是。。。 冲动。 哈哈。也给一些叫成, 三分钟热度。

可是人生就是要有这个冲动啊。 不然我们很多事都不会去做啊。 对不对?

打字打到累了。 如果读华校,我一定死定。 =/

这次存钱为了实现我的任性! 加油!

rawa island <3 p="">

Saturday, June 29, 2013


今天和音洁终于去游泳了!  原本应该早就去的, 可是因为种种原因没办法去。
好开心啊! 好久没游了。。。 =)
现在有一点上瘾了。 哈哈。


之后呢, 和音洁去吃便宜的午餐,哈哈。 想是时候减肥和存钱了。。 =(
其实吃的饱不就好了吗? 为什么要去餐馆给他们赚消费税和服务费呢?有时东西也没有比小贩中心的好吃。
呵呵,我长大了吗? 哈哈哈!

今天也去了一个旧同事的婚礼, 也有很多感触, 其实结婚是结给谁看? 为什么要这么多的‘戏’ 叻? 当然,文化要保留, 但如果没必要的东西也可以废掉的吧。。

我是个大懒人, 看就觉得累了。哈哈。

有一个疯狂的想法, 想一个人, 真的一个人去背包旅行一次。。

酱, 我就要加油存钱了!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hail the weather!

was raining hailstones this afternoon at the west side of singpore. haha. so exciting! I get to see hail without an air ticket! =)
anyway, the reports says that it's not due to the cloud seeding.. then maybe it's mother nature way of telling us to watch out? give u pebble size first, still don't want to stop your nonsense, I give you baseball size. haha.

actually just want to break the chain of typing Chinese only. but I realized I get very distracted when I type in English. haha. really dunno how I survive all my assignments when I was schooling. =/
life recently been quite a bitch la., I would say, and most probably I would stay on in this company la. coz have to die for $. bought another policy recently to safeguard my family. but if end of the world I think all the insurance company also close shop, so = pay for nothing? but in case end of the world is delayed and I somehow die, at least my family dun have to headache about the funeral money lor.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


新加坡的PSI到321 了, 蛮难得的啦, 哈哈, 有一点好像阿里山的起雾的时候, 少了那个冷而已。 哈哈。


有时在想,酱就哭拔哭妈, 真的是不用怕打战啦, 还没打我们应该已经不行了。 哈哈。可能我身体健康,不知道酱对身体弱的人有什么影响, 所以讲鸟话。


终而言之,就觉得现在的人很弱。 我也是啦。 小小的事好像放不开, 是我们太好命了。才有多余的时间去烦恼小小的事。

Saturday, June 15, 2013


天生是个冲动派。因为老板叫我在病假的期间回去做工。我就十分度懒, 哈哈。
就辞职咯。 交信了啦。

他是收了。但过一天,也是昨天, 有跟我谈,叫我留下。

今天, 有跟爸爸聊一聊。 可能是我太好命了, 家人不管我做什么事, 都是非常支持我。很感动。 朋友也是, 哈哈, 不知到他们会不会觉得烦了, 我的三心两意。

鸟为食亡, 人为财死。

道德上,这么跑人,对我的班不好啦, 再怎么讨人厌。 我仅存的责任心还有在考虑这一点。
金钱方面呢, 也刚刚脱离负债累累的日子,终于可以开始真正的存钱。=——=  *闷*

想离开也是闷啦。想尝试新的东西。。。 但也不懂在怕什么鬼。。 怕离开安全地带? *内心挣扎*

知足常乐。。 是我生在福中不知福吗?




因为,到了这个年龄,还不知到自己要做什么。 *摇头* 才会举棋不定。 还是这个Y年代的人都是这样叻?  没定力。

刚才,爸爸难得谈到他的心酸岁月,一路走来的辛苦,我也明白啦。 所以,也想要给父母过的好一点。 是不是不应该任性,是时候撑一撑这个家了呢?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013




现在流行爱的教育,但是可能我们误解了它的定义。偶尔让孩子跌倒也是爱,这样他们才有机会学习爬起来。拚了命的过分保护,对孩子好吗? 有一天,父母也会老,会没力,到时候被保护惯了的孩子,突然没有了依靠,怎么办呢?

孩子还小, 说什么不会撒谎,于是孩子投诉的话,就每天找学校麻烦,对谁有好处? 现在的孩子很厉害的,知道怎么manipulate 大人。 可是当局者迷,旁观者清。

什么都顺着孩子走,有一天你顺不了了呢? 孩子跟你翻脸的时候呢?

所谓,love is blind 不止可以用在情侣上,也可以用在父母上。

可是如果腻爱的话, 对孩子当然是一种伤害,也是对社会的一种负担。因为他们会变成有手脚但是没办法自立的人。就变成了寄生虫的意思吧。。

Monday, June 10, 2013



虽然怕的要死, 可是就是以有5天病假的推动力,坚持下去。 哈哈。




最近在看中文书, 所以有很想用华文来写一下布楼各的感觉。
昨天跟我的女朋友去逛街, 遇到了这个‘曾经朋友’。
我很直觉性的想打招呼,结果没有啦。哈哈。 不然应该会很尴尬吧。=3



闹翻的原因嘛。。 也是因为‘情’。 也许是我太不懂事,遇到困难就会找人倾诉,也许是他太自作聪明,就要把事情说出来。 结果,我下了狠话啦,就翻了咯。

人生很多无奈, 可是,每一件事都会让你领悟到一些什么。



每个人的战斗都不一样, 和外界,和内心的。


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Maybe one day

Finished reading Eat, Pray, Love.  quite a nice read, with new words to learn and the author's view point is kinda my view point in some ways. maybe I just admire her courage to just drop everything and go solo. something I wanna do. and she showed that it's never too old to do something new. =)
everyone has a word to live by. maybe for now. my word is Antevasin. or at least becoz of the way she explained it - at the border.
i'm thinking it's time to settle down, but at the same time not quite ready. 
看到几个朋友的幸福会为了他们奋不顾身, 让我有了希望, 哈哈。
可能也要勇敢一点, 想去就去,想做就做。 毕竟自己的路要自己就走。
but then again, if I dun want to make the change, nothing will change right?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


How can something you love, hurt you, and time and time again, i allowed it.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Taiwan, Alishan

Have not really decided how to go about blogging this. But since i have some free time now, I hope I will be able to at least write about my solo trip to Alishan. =)

Ticket of their HSR.
apparently, if u book the tickets online there is like early bird price and stuff.
But i wasn't sure of my arrival timing and therefore decided to just buy it at the counter.
the trains are amazingly on time. =)

Here it comes!
I arrived at Chaiyi with no bus to Alishan anymore, i had already anticiapted it, the last bus was at 2pm i think, and yup, missed it by like 20mins or so?
so i had to take a cab up which was abt NT2500
but considering the distance, the price is actually reasonable. Took abt 2 hrs to reach alishan.
my cam and hp died on the way up, so i didn't take any pics. =b
but saw and accident on the way up. a car fell into the drain at the corner. quite scary.

finally, the room, which i promptly messed up. hehe. i was trying to repack my stuff.

 Alishan House I
it's slightly off from the main area where the cab had to drop me and wait for thisr shuttle bus to pick me up.  it's walkable distance tho. just that the roads are all up and down slopes
 The red carpet to my room.
bathtub! but it was too freaking cold for me to want to even soak in water. wasted.

Reached at like almost 5pm and after a bit of rest,  got prepared to head down to the vistors' centre to get dinner. the hotel' dinner felt kinda expensive to me.

The fog had settled in, and it's really cold!
at abt 6pm and it's only gonna get colder.

Alishan has a number of eateries, but mostly selling the same stuff. so in the end i had this hotpot for abt NT300

Heard that the sunrise was hard to catch at Alishan but still decided to give it a try since I'm there for only a night. the sad part is i had to wake up at 230am! (oh, u have to inform during check in that you want to go and see the sunrise and they would buy the train ticket for you. ) the shuttle would send up to the train station and from there you are on your own.
as i went during a weekend plus the sakura season, it was packed. and it feels like peak hour at sg. =/
plus it was super cold.
after reaching Zhu Shan, u can choose to just climb up the stairs and there's a viewing pavillion or u cna choose to walk abt 500 metres to another viewing pavillion which i think has lesser people considering the amount of people that came up in the train together.

 The rays at about 430am.
the professionals with their hugeass cams.
Taken with S3,

Finally! at 615am!
wanted to take a paranoma shot but really too many people.

it wasn't raning, just the morning dew forming frost on the wood. and it was really dangerous to walk. a couple of people fell or slide down the steps.

taken with canon.



met a few friendly taiwanese and they accompanied me on the way down the mountain. and help me take a few pictures as well.  =)

bought this from an uncle dressed in aboringinal clothes. really nice!

the stay was one of most expensive i had ever booked. but the staff were really nice and their service extend to even after you checked out.
i tried to catch a bus down to chiayi but most were already fully booked. and i had to wait out the time before the next avaliable one. so i headed back to the hotel to rest at the lobby.
think the lesson learnt here is, always book your tickets in advance! if you know your timing already.
i think travelling solo is really quite fun. =) 
well.. that's all for Alishan.  will try to write more abt the other parts of the trip. =)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

When I'm gone

just felt that this is a really nice song. =)

I've got my ticket for long way 'round
Two bottles of whisky for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
Oh, I'm leaving tomorrow, what do you say?

When I'm gone, When I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
you're gonna miss me when I'm gone

(*4 CUP)

I've got my ticket for the long way 'round
The one with the prettiest view

It's got mountains
it's got rivers
It's got woods to give you shivers
But it sure would be prettier with you

When I'm gone, When I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my walk
You'll miss me by my talk,
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

I got my ticket for the long way 'round
These feet weren't build to stay too long
And, I got out on my own
But, you'll miss me when you're home

It's for you that I just sang this song
When I'm gone, When I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my hair
You're gonna miss me everywhere
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

When I'm gone, When I'm gone
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You're gonna miss me by my walk
You'll miss me by my talk, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013