Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry X'mas! 2011 (part 2)

Let's do something for x'mas!

this will make a good tree.

Let's make some decorations..

give me a hand here!

The tree is almost done!

we need to gain some height.

Merry X'mas!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011



魚魚的內心真的是很溫柔。不管是男魚還是女魚,這種溫柔都是無處不在的。但絕不是矯揉造作的那種,而是有一顆明事理的心。 魚兒懂得尊重別人,這並不是人雲亦雲。事實上,魚兒沒有那麼多的好奇心去在乎每個人的想法。對自己不在乎的人,又何必較真呢? 這是魚兒做人的道理。雙魚容易動感情,一動就是真的。但一旦一段感情結束了,對於魚魚就是結束了。


雙魚座是一個具有強大欲望的星座。他們對權力以及財富是那麼的野心勃勃,且不加掩飾的撲面而來。 這樣的性格必然能夠造就雙魚成就一番大事業,但霸道的雙魚卻有唯一的軟肋,就是感情。若雙魚不成功,唯一可能就是他們會敗在感情上。能夠超越感情的雙魚,前途不可限量。

愛幻想的雙魚,經常會為現實和夢想的相違背而痛苦不已。感情豐富,卻又極度脆弱。在十二星座裡 可謂是依賴心最重的。在他覺得可以依靠的人面前,就像是一個十分聽話的好孩子那樣 溫和 順從。會撒嬌,做些小動作引起別人的注意。偶爾搞搞小惡作劇,讓人又氣又愛就像小孩那樣。

雙魚座的人常常讓人產生錯覺,覺得最了解他們,可以控制他們。 其實不然,而且大錯特錯。他們有太多的面,性格時刻在變,並且是隨著時間地點人物心情來變,永遠也看不透看不完。



內文~轉至"十二星座宝宝" 喜歡就分享吧~~
by: 七年級設計印刷

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Standard Chart 2011

Distance: 42km

Time: 8hrs and 47 mins.

guess it's the last year i'm doing this. haha..

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bonus Tuesday: Meeting Friends

Hi tortise!

ohh.... he looked scary.. >.<

Hi Domo~ (looks can be decieving)

Hi, Doraemonss!

Fear Factor: Hi Printer

*leap of faith*


Hi specs!

Hi Mini domo!

Hi, Tofu Men!


哈哈,知道有一点慢了,可是一直没有时间看这部戏,终于今天有一点时间可以用海盗的方式看。 =X

看了之后, 让我想到了中学的时候, 真的是有一点后悔没有做一下坏学生。 哈哈。可能我做的最坏的事就是抄功课吧。。。 回想起来,我还真的满乖的。。。

在中一的时候, 也有一个经常和我斗嘴的人,不同的是,他是会读书的那个。 我是那个一直睡觉的。。。 哈哈。。现在想起来, 还觉得那个时候还满好玩的。。

之后呢, 当然就不同班了, 可是在新的班上也有很多好朋友, 有一班一起唱歌的,一起打羽毛球的朋友, 中三和中四应该是最好玩的时候。有出丑,有暧昧,有喜,有苦,有欢乐,有悲伤。





Tuesday, November 29, 2011

going thru this episode of saga of annoucing new that was not solid gave me some lessons.
firstly: it's the old saying do not count ur chickens before they hatch.
so obviously i broke the eggs. haha.

secondly: you know who are truely on your side. and how many people actually loved me for who I am. Many times, they are people who are glad u are climbing and there are people who are waiting to see you fall. and it's only in times like this, you are able to tell who is true to you and who is not. i have more than a handful of people who have given me their blessings and i'm very grateful for that, even parents of my ex-students. i am even more touched by that. to know that i hve reached beyond my students. and actually am someone who they are still concerned about even as their child had withdraw and i had left the place.

thirdly: I know i am qualified enought to get people to consider having me as a principal. but at the same time, i'm not fake enough to use watever means to get that position. I have teahcer friends who wanted to come to me when they heard i was going to be a P. I'm already touched enough. and the teacher who was crestfallen to hear that I am not to be already. it shows something la.. after being in this line for so long.

fourthly: I do not fit into this BIG company culture. guess the only option i have is to be my own boss. as 'morrie' would say, If the culture dun fit u, dun buy it. create your own culture.

5th: being down to earth, it has taken a whole new level of meaning to me. what's the point of letting your feet leave ground when u are up there for people to judge and any false moves will land u back on the ground in bruises or broken bones. let's stay on ground and party with the real people. =)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Weekend

did hair extensions at blue wave at far esat plaza. so far so good. it's holding up and not as painful as i thought it would be... =) loving my 'long' hair.. haha..

There's this I love Ice cream going on at Clark Quay yday and today. There's interesting ice cream flavours. haa.. gotta dig the bah kwa ice cream. Real bah kwa bits in it! there's also tom yam, curry and many weird flavours.. Go on down and try them!

Went to Timbre and listen to the live band, I like... wish i can play the guitar someday...


Friday, November 18, 2011

My 2011

Gonna start my studies soon next month, guess I'll be slightly more busy? haha...

*Juggle juggle*

anyway, busy is good. =)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011






Monday, October 24, 2011

Off the Edge

If you push her off the edge,

Don't get mad when someone else catches her.

Saturday, October 22, 2011



*sprinkle salt*

Recently had this encounter with a 'leech', - a person who 'koped' stuff and just shamelessly think it's their right to do so.

eg: when i do not offer you my bubble tea, means i do not want to share. this leech just extended her hand and snatch it out of my hands. =_=
and wave me off like i'm her servant or something. roars!
I'm not your BABE or competing to be Miss Nice.

sometimes i wonder how do people end up like this. where did all the EQ go?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Real Steel

Just watched Real Steel with Zy and Kx just now. The movie left me with a lot of thoughts.

wanted to write like how it made me feel, but i opened up blogger and the mood just left. =_=

haa, anyway, it's a damn nice movie. and i guess the moral of the story is,

it's not about how big you are or how 'high-tech' you are, it's about being able to take blows and determination at the end of the day.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Of Being 158

If you don't have a seat during peak hours in public transport, you will end up smelling armpits 90% of the time.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Save the Dolphins

See the link... just so sad that i saw 'The Cove' and this clip shows the highlight actually...


It's really a case of

if you love someone, set them free.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


help maybe around you, but if you do not reach out for it.

no one can save you.