Tuesday, November 29, 2011

going thru this episode of saga of annoucing new that was not solid gave me some lessons.
firstly: it's the old saying do not count ur chickens before they hatch.
so obviously i broke the eggs. haha.

secondly: you know who are truely on your side. and how many people actually loved me for who I am. Many times, they are people who are glad u are climbing and there are people who are waiting to see you fall. and it's only in times like this, you are able to tell who is true to you and who is not. i have more than a handful of people who have given me their blessings and i'm very grateful for that, even parents of my ex-students. i am even more touched by that. to know that i hve reached beyond my students. and actually am someone who they are still concerned about even as their child had withdraw and i had left the place.

thirdly: I know i am qualified enought to get people to consider having me as a principal. but at the same time, i'm not fake enough to use watever means to get that position. I have teahcer friends who wanted to come to me when they heard i was going to be a P. I'm already touched enough. and the teacher who was crestfallen to hear that I am not to be already. it shows something la.. after being in this line for so long.

fourthly: I do not fit into this BIG company culture. guess the only option i have is to be my own boss. as 'morrie' would say, If the culture dun fit u, dun buy it. create your own culture.

5th: being down to earth, it has taken a whole new level of meaning to me. what's the point of letting your feet leave ground when u are up there for people to judge and any false moves will land u back on the ground in bruises or broken bones. let's stay on ground and party with the real people. =)

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