Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Book review 1 - 找回快乐,不需要改变人生

in case people don't know, i love reading. haha
anyways, got this book by chance when I was shopping for my 2013 organizer, walked past it and just found it very 'me' haha.
the author is taiwanese i assumed la. i love the many 'quotes' like phrases in the book and small tips at the end of each short chapter to be happy. 

even the titles for each chapter are quite thought provoking such as 人生一路走来都是亏欠。Direct translation would be we all owe debts as we walk our paths. it's true isn't it, the moment we are born we owe our parents, and as we grow we owe friends, lovers, siblings, family and even passerbys. So, the best way to repay is to live well, if not we will do wrong to those who sacrificed for us. 

i would put it on par with Tuesdays with Morrie, coz this author shared alot of stories about herself, the death of her mom and life in general. 

maybe at my age, when death is quietly creeping up around me, i felt more aware of it? heh.

of coz, not saying that i fear death la. it's a natural progression of life i suppose. just.... = shrugs=

to end off, would be with one of the phrases in the book,
人生这条路需要我们去探索,并不断持续下去, 只要你相信路的尽头不是尽头,可能是另一个起点,你所面临的人生将绘然不同。 

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