Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Animal Farm

Just my 2cents worth on the recent events that happened

In this fast pace society and even faster pace virtual reality world. everything spread like wild fire.

it kinds of remind me of my literature text, the animal farm, which of course we are all the sheeps in it. whatever the media says/ post/ rant (?) we will just rush like mad towards it. without checking the validity or 'real-ness' of it.

'baa... 2 legs good, 4 legs baaad'

for instance, the kony cause, i agree it is for a good cause, but do the recipients even want this kind of help? and of so many things to fight for, lack of food, education etc, why would you even want to spent money playing hide and seek with this person?

it's like having a bone but also wanting the bone from the reflection of the water.

yes, the children who got kidnapped are poor things. but what about those who didn't? -shrugs-

like a mother mourning a lost child but neglecting those who are still alive... doesn't make sense to my small brain anyways.

and kony will eventually grow old and die anyway. killing someone wun bring back the dead.

the world is not fair. in anotherpoint of view, we are still kinda like in a food chain. if kony is a shark, we are the fishes, shark eat fish. end of story. life goes on

'4 legs good, 2 legs baadd'

there are just too many things in this world that are unfair, cruel, crazy

but we are born in this era, the era of change, the era of being blind, being confine to boxes, being unappreciated, being expected of, being judged, being belittled, confused, stepped on,

to be at peace is to accept.

Accept is a big word.

Just do what is within your abilities and fuck the rest.

maybe the africans will be thinking, what poor souls we have, having every material thing avalible but our souls are so poor and hollow that we just ran blindly everywhere.

knowing doesn't equal understanding

understanding doesn't equal accepting

accepting doesn't mean you have to know or understand.

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